Choices flooring is Australia's biggest flooring retailer. They have a hundred and forty stores across Australia and five stores in New Zealand and they specialise in everything to do with carpet, hardwood flooring, window furnishings and rugs.
Ingrid Powell, Digital Manager of Choices Flooring said “One of the biggest challenges we had was quality assurance with our old website developers. We just felt that we weren't getting the quality control that we needed from the development part of the website. We were wasting a lot of time on reviewing and double-checking.”
“The other thing was the timing we had was that the old developer was based overseas. So a lot of the time we couldn't really speak to them after 3:00pm.”
Lee Jones, Day’s General Manger said “Day3 is the largest entirely onshore Kentico development and support team in Australia. So we were able to work with the Choices Flooring team when they needed us and respond with rapid support and the right capability.”
Ingrid Powell, Digital Manager of Choices Flooring said “A new project we have launched is a room visualiser for our website. This is where someone visiting our website can take a photo of their room and upload their photo to the website and it overlays one of our products in their room. It's one of the biggest projects that the Day3 team has worked on. There's been a lot of UI, UX work that needed to be done, a lot of coding for us to get it up and they got it ready for launch in a couple of weeks.”

“The Day3 team has been really innovative in getting this project up and running for us. It's one of the biggest innovations that we've been able to do on the website for quite a while so I'm really excited about it.”
“Another one of the other projects we've been working on is streamlining our e-commerce site as well for rugs. We're just making it a lot more user-friendly and more efficient so that we can make more rug sales and more profit for our stores as a full-service organisation.”
“Because the Day3 team is locally based, they have really saved us time and we get quick runs on the board and we feel that their local developers really understand our business a lot more and they're really more passionate and driven about helping us achieve our business outcomes.”